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Description: The Writing On The Wall Everday Phrases From The King James Bible by Richard Noble

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By clicking here or on the image below, these and over 550 others can be found by keyword and topic, together with Bible references.

A fly in the ointment   – trifling cause that spoils something good (Ecclesiastes 10:1) A thorn in one’s flesh – cause of a persistent irritation, annoyance, or affliction (2 Corinthians 12:7) A law unto themselves –  people and things behaving unusually or disregarding custom (Romans 2:14) Kick against the pricks –  argue and fight against people in authority (Acts 9:5) Give up the ghost – to die, give up the will to live, or stop functioning (Lamentations 1:19) Fall from grace –  loss of status, respect,

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