- The Zelos Games

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This November 2022 competition will be a 4-workout competition with an overall cash prize for both Elite males and females of 30K+.

In addition to the online competition from 11/11 to 11/21, we are hosting a Live Invitational with 12 men and 12 women at Camp Rhino CrossFit in Las Vegas, NV on 11/12 & 11/13! This event is meant to be a showcase of the 4 workouts to create more entertainment for fans, and more global awareness for athletes around the world to inspire them to sign up and compete online. We have 1-day and 2-day ticket options. Click below to get your tickets to the live event!

In partnership with The Sevan Podcast, we will be broadcasting the event live! This is no million-dollar production, so give us grace and enjoy the show.