- THE ZONE RPG · The tabletop storygame of surreal horror. – Laughing Kaiju

Description: The tabletop storygame of surreal horror. Mutate your friends, play-to-lose, and have a spooky time in the dark. The Zone is a tabletop RPG where up to 6 players take characters wracked with phobias & obsessions on a one-way trip into a dangerous place full of beauty and horror.

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Raph makes games

Laughing Kaiju

"Heya! I'm Raph. I started working on THE ZONE in 2018, after seeing a double bill of Annihilation (3rd time!) and Stalker. I love Zones! I can't get enough of the idea of a place that becomes your deepest phobias & obsessions to show you what you need to see. That idea has gotten me through some tough times."

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