- Author Websites, Online Marketing & Product Strategies and Digital Production for Authors, Consultants, and Publishers.

Description: THICKSOLE provides authors and publishers with world class websites, online marketing and product strategies.

author websites (45) publishing consultant (23) author marketing (19) book websites (12) consultant websites (1) business book course (1) business book website (1) leadership and managment authors (1) self help author websites (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Abandoned blogs, DIY disasters, and bargain bin books line the offices of authors & publishers that had high hopes for a title's success. Unfortunately, most adult non-fiction titles sell only 250 copies a year, and 3000 copies over its lifetime.

We work with you to get your products and services in front of the right person, at the right place, at the right time with the right message.

We used to think that having a website, blogging and being an expert was enough. While traditional book sales contract, online learning is exploding. There's a clear disconnect.

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