- Thousand

Description: The Thousand Sons of Magnus, a site by Daemonkin, designed by

magnus (82) sorcery (41) warhammer 40000 (33) heresy (22) prospero (13) thousand sons (1) tzeentch (1) daemonkin (1) thousand sons of magnus (1)

Example domain paragraphs

"The name of the Thousand Sons was taken from the initial series of genetic imprints made from the tissue of their Primarch, Magnus the Red. Magnus was a ruddy-haired and extremely large Primarch with a single eye set deep in his broad forehead. Because of this he was sometimes known as Cyclopean Magnus or the Red Cyclops. The truth was that his soul had already been touched by Chaos, and Tzeentch insinuated into him a fascination with the occult forces of the warp and the secrets that lay within its fabric

23/04/2010 6AM

Heavy bolter fire raked the street as the enemy Landspeeder made a long low pass over Tarven's Sternguard Squad blowing sizable chunks from the road surface and showering his men in dirt and debris. Unlike many of his fellow Mantis Warriors Brother Sergeant Tarven had no problem with the thought of fighting fellow Astartes.