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DEATHWISH – Six Bullet Roulette 7”

I got a bit of a jump start on this one by seeing these guys live twice in a week, once in Denver and once in L.A. at the 2nd O.C. Crustock, and they shredded it…HARD.

The guitar riffs are rad and the execution, especially by their guitarist, here known as S.C., is damn near perfect. I payed attention to this guy playing live and he is so relaxed and…I don’t know…comfortable might be the right word, about his instrument that it is fucking clear that he has a ton of talent musically. Metallic riffage, snarling vocals and cracking snare drums, DEATHWISH sound to me a lot like DISFEAR in the Live The Storm era but dirtier and without the over-the-top metal production. That p