Description: The World's Best Fresh Baked, Ultra Premium Dog Food, and Treats for Dogs - Three Dog Bakery Indianapolis - The Bakery for Dogs
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Broad Ripple: (317) 466-1646 | Mass Ave: (317) 238-0000 | Hamilton Town Center: (317) 776-6699
Cake of the Month Top Section Deleted » About Us Bakery Locations Home Page » All Bakery Items Cake of the Month WHO wants a SLICE ! Try it while it lasts! shop now Celebration Cakes Bone, Round, Carob, Peanut Butter, and Grain-Free! shop now Seasonal Treats Brunch Box, Personalized Bunny Cookie, & more! shop now Chews & Beefhides Braids, Chews, Circles, Duck Feet, Sticks, & more! shop now Treats for Dogs Bagels, Biscuits, Chews, Cookies, Ice Cream, & more! shop now Bakery Case Dot's Spots, Peanut Mutter Co
Broad Ripple: (317) 466-1646