- Thyroid Surgery. Alexander Shifrin, MD |

Description: Minimally Invasive Thyroid Surgery, Alexander Shifrin, MD, Surgical Director, Thyroid Center at Jersey Shore University Medical Center, Neptune, NJ, phone 732-776-4304. Minimally invasive, same day, outpatient thyroid surgery

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Minimally invasive thyroid surgery

Minimally invasive thyroid surgery is the removal of one half or whole thyroid gland through a small mid neck incision. The incision is placed in the natural skin crease. Minimally invasive thyroid surgery includes video-assisted or endoscopic thyroidectomy, when surgeon uses camera to magnify the view. This technique makes the healing process faster and with minimum scar formation .

The procedure is done under general. For some patients patients, who can not tolerate or not allowed to have general anesthesia (for example during pregnancy), the procedure can be performed under local/regional anesthesia with general sedation. The later one helps surgeon to use voice monitoring and avoid injury to important nerves which go to your vocal cords