- Australian Thyroid Foundation

Description: Learn about thyroid health, including symptoms, diagnosis, treatment options, and how to maintain a healthy thyroid.

health (20976) cancer (3360) thyroid (196) hypothyroidism (38) hyperthyroidism (14) thyroid health (10) thyroid symptoms (3) thyroid treatment (3) thyroid diagnosis (1)

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Pharmacist regulations changed this year. Pharmacists are now permitted to dispense bio-equivalent formulas of medications to patients on a generic basis when the 'Brand Substitution Box" has not been ticked on a prescription. 

As each thyroid patient’s diagnosed thyroid disorder is individual, the Australian Thyroid Foundation (ATF) encourage patients to consult their thyroid treating doctor to discuss their thyroid condition and the COVID-19 vaccine and decide together the best outcome.

The ATF encourages patients to follow the Department of Health recommendation to protect themselves from contacting COVID-19 in the community, (regular handwashing, mask wearing where appropriate, sanitising and maintaining correct social distance from others).

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