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chocolate (1981) pigeons (151) janssen (118) kirk (85) litherland (14) vandenbosch (8) babington (5) meulemans (4) (1) hermanbeverdam (1)
Timbarra Lofts UK has to the best of our knowledge, the largest and most informative website dedicated to the Wouters-Meulemans in the World today, it is even said we have some of the best Wouters-Meulemans outside of the masters loft, Albert Babington has even stated to us in a letter 'that there are no better Janssen-Van Den Bosch anywhere'
Timbarra Lofts UK have as close to the original Wouters-Meulemans champions such as GOLDEN PAIR, OUDE VAN DEN BOSCH & JANSSEN DUIVIN as you can find anywhere in the world today, with regards to reaching our objectives we turned to the best lines we could find, we chose the lines of Herman Beverdam in combination with the old Babington-Litherland-Kirk lines, the old Wain Lea stud dynasty of JVDB which was bought by John Kirk and son in the early 90s is now held here at Timbarra Lofts, so we have invested he
Quoting Johns Kirk's exact words to myself 'THE MANTEL IS NOW YOURS TO CARRY ON SPENCER' and when Albert Babington visited me, his words while standing in our lofts 'IT IS LIKE STANDING IN ADRIAAN WOUTERS STOCK LOFT AGAIN ALL THOSE YEARS AGO' this is testimony to the absolute quality which is housed here at Timbarra Lofts UK.