time4chat.com - Time4chat.com

Description: One-on-one language lessons & Free Chatrooms

teachers (1368) chat rooms (248) tutors (245) language lessons (21)

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Learning languages Made Easy!

The best way to learn a language is to go to the country of origin. Everybody should be lucky enough to Travel to Japan visit kinkakutera and study Japanese. Nothing beats studying Japanese in Japan and speaking Japanese all day long everywhere you go. Unfortunately, the reality is much less efficient for most of us. This site aims to help shrink the gap between studying abroad and studying at home.

#1 We are working to provide our users with one-on-one lessons with a native speaker, or your preference. This allows you to choose how you want to learn the language including who teaches you. We are working to provide you with various teachers from different backgrounds and various price ranges.

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