Description: A Timeline of Cinema is a documentary web series which follows the history of cinema over the last century. The series introduces landmark films, influential filmmakers, and critical ideas in film theory from cinema's birth to modern day.
training (24003) canon (1873) tutorials (1701) vfx (1141) short film (572) intro (229) red scarlet (10) kylebrodeur (3) bradley weatherholt (3) ministry cinema (2)
In this episode we introduce the Timeline of World Cinema, our shorthand model that divides the history of cinema into periods based on major technological and industrial changes.
The episode also outlines the format for the subsequent episodes. This structure includes special segments in each episode which further explore important figures and films of that time period.
In this episode we discuss the birth of cinema, following it's pre-classical roots before the invention of the feature film. We examine early short films and the early film industry.