timemachineuk.com - Midlands Who Exhibiton

Description: The Time Machine Museum and Coffee Shop - Step into the Tardis and be transported to this large display including Thunderbirds, Stingray, Captain Scarlet, Supercar, Dr. Who, Star Wars, Bears, Dolls, Pedal Cars, Railways, Disney and much more.

star wars (926) dolls (583) bears (417) supercar (148) stingray (79) thunderbirds (40) dr. who (22) pedal cars (14) captain scarlet (3) time machine museum and coffee shop bromyard herefordshire uk

Example domain paragraphs

DON'T BLINK !!!... Great news for all Dr Who fans! The most popular and frightning Doctor Who monster in recent years, a screaming weeping angel can now be seen here at the Museum... DON'T BLINK !!

The Museum is proud to announce that it recently appeared on BBC TV with the sixth Doctor Colin Baker! A great day's filming and so good to be part of the 50th Anniversary Celebrations of Doctor Who! See our Facebook page for pictures of Colin on location at the Time Machine Museum of Science Fiction! We have some great news here at the Museum. Just landed is a full size Mechanoid from the William Hartnell's "The Chase" episode, also Colin Baker's screen used blue Cape from 'Revelation of the Daleks' and co

Welcome to the finest collection of Television Science Fiction props and costumes in the GALAXY !!