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Over the weekend I planted some seeds and cleaned the porch but now I wait.  I wait for the seeds to sprout, I planted some grape, pomegranate and cherry seeds, as well as two different bulb type plants I found as well.  Why did I do this?  I guess because I like planting seeds to see if I can grow something from scratch.  I like the hope it produces as I plant and wait to see if I will experience any growth.  In a few weeks I’ll plant my summer seeds as well; peppers, onions, corns, lettuce and radishes al

Well as I was resting on the porch from my planting, something came to mind about ministry and it has to do with planting seeds as well.  I was challenging myself to “plant” seeds of ministry then this morning I expanded that thought to include seeds of revival.  So consider if Galations 6 says that we will reap what we sow the question what are we sowing (or planting).  We can only reap what we plant and spend time watering.  So the question is as I’m starting a new ministry what kind of “seeds” am I plant

So planting in this case can mean two things 1) actually planting seeds and 2) planting the right seeds.  If I start off right I will plant the right seeds at the right time and know what I’m planting and do so purposefully.  I won’t be planting pumpkins in September if I want them by the end of October.  Like wise I don’t want to plant them too soon either or plant my summer veggies before the last frost of spring it could be tricky.  But on the other hand I can not plant anything at all or not prepare the

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