tinasahl.com - Tina Sahl | Yoga Ayurveda Bodywork

Description: I offer a unique combination of holistic yoga, Thai style yoga massage/bodywork and lifestyle advice to restore the natural balance in your body and mind.

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According to traditional ayurvedic belief we are all born with a predisposition towards a specific body constitution (dosha type). Our lifestyle, nutrition, work and  mental stability has an affect on our well being and our ability to heal ourselves.

Ayurveda and its extended systems of yoga and bodywork / massage therapy intend to rid us from (energy) blockages, to stimulate the natural flow of life-force and maintain a healthy balance of body & mind. 

Both Yoga and Massage therapy are physical and mindful practices that often result in a powerful mind/body experience. Moreover, through focused therapy sessions, problems relating to stress, immobility due to injury, ageing and chronic conditions can be reduced.