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Description: Good Sports, Inc., brings over 34 years experience analyzing athletics programs & identifying solutions to Title IX compliance problems. Contact us today!

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Good Sports, Inc., brings 40+ years of experience analyzing athletics programs and identifying solutions to Title IX compliance problems. Good Sports, Inc., Owner and Founder Valerie McMurtrie Bonnette co-authored the Title IX Athletics Investigator’s Manual issued by the Office for Civil Rights (OCR), U.S. Department of Education.  OCR has nationwide enforcement authority for Title IX.

Good Sports, Inc., helps institutions of all sizes achieve Title IX athletics compliance. With clients in 37 states, we have consulted privately with institutions of all division levels of the NCAA, NAIA and NJCAA, as well as high schools in several states. We assist schools and programs across the nation achieve and maintain compliance.

With unparalleled insight into OCR’s perspective, we analyze your program from every angle. University presidents and administrators have called our reports “excellent,” “superb,” and “very user-friendly,” appreciating our clinical approach in addressing how Title IX applies to your athletics program. Our private consultations include education on the Title IX athletics requirements.