tiu.cz - TIÚ - Plast a. s.

Description: Since 1992, TIÚ-Plast a.s. has been producing a wide range of quality plastic products for you. We provide complete services, from production to transport, throughout the EU.

fiber optic (252) fiber optic cable (84) neratovice (38) tiú plast (1) hdpe microduct (1) microducts (1) 2-way air-blow fibre microducts (1) hdpe microducts (1) fiber optic cable microducts (1) microduct bundle (1)

Example domain paragraphs

We produce any plastic tubes, pipes and custom-made profiles.

Our products are used in a variety of sectors. Starting from healthcare, telecommunications to constructions.

The products safety is our priority. Therefore our products do not conain any hazardous chamical substances.

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