- Wellness Life Coaching Community

Description: As a Wellness Certified Life Coach using the Law of Attraction to incorporate Universal Laws and processes to my coaching. I coach anyone looking for solution.

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Walnuts have been shown to have very specific therapeutic effects in the human body. The fat in walnut is beneficial to the formation of albumin in the body. Walnuts fall into the warm category. In TCM, it is claimed that walnut being sweet and warm in property, it can invigorate yang; and being greasy and moist, warm but not dry like most nuts. Hence, it is good for weakness and deficient vital essence in the elderly, nourishing the blood and vital energy, benefitting the lungs and kidneys and moistening t

Therapeutic Uses 

In TCM, walnuts are associated with the Lung, Large Intestine and Kidney meridians and have sweet and warm properties. It is capable of supplementing kidney-qi, helping inspiration and moistening intestinal dryness, frequently serving to treat painful muscular rheumatism involving the lumbar region, impotence, seminal emission, frequent urination due to kidney-deficiency, chronic cough and asthma of deficiency-syndrome and constipation. It is also an excellent tonic food.

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