- Together We Rise Minnesota

Description: Minnesota is a state of abundance. We have what we need to take care of each other, to invest in the health and economic security of all Minnesotans, and build a stronger and more equitable recovery – if we, as a state, choose to do so.

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Minnesota is a state of abundance. We have what we need to take care of each other, to invest in the health and economic security of all Minnesotans, and build a stronger and more equitable recovery – if we, as a state, choose to do so.

All Minnesotans, no matter who we are or where we live, deserve communities where all of us are thriving – where justice is truly for all of us, no exceptions; where we can live our lives with confidence and with freedom; and where we’re all safe, healthy, and prospering.  Just as we cared for each other during the pandemic, we can work together to build a better future. By rising together across race and place – from Bemidji to bluff country, from our North Shore to our southwestern prairies – we can ensur

We have a historic opportunity in Minnesota to make transformational changes. But state policymakers will waste this opportunity if they instead enact billions of dollars in poorly targeted, permanent tax cuts that give the largest benefits to the highest-income Minnesotans. Stand with us: oppose expensive, poorly targeted cuts, and instead support public investments through a fair and equitable tax system to create just future for all Minnesotans no matter who they are or where they live.