Description: The biggest and most extensive higher education expo is back in Bangalore on 23rd and 24th July. The 5th edition of TOI Mission Admission invites career-driven, technology savvy and aspiring students to visit and scout the world of opportunities that awaits them. Get expert guidance on the best courses, colleges, universities and careers of today and the future. Take advantage of the resources and gain insights on the right career choice that would define your successful future. Register now to attend the e
career coach (398) education consultant (67) career consultant (33) education counselling (7) career counsellors (1) oversees education consultant (1) times education expo (1) times mission admission (1) carrer seminar (1) higher education workshop (1)
*To apply for free psychometric test and counselling, students need to select “yes” against the psychometric test field mentioned in the registration form. You will get a mail correspondence from our test partner to take free online tests.
Psychometric Test can be done based on the invite you will receive prior to the event or at the venue from 10 am to 3 pm.
"VOCATION" is a career interest inventory designed to analyse the occupational preferences of individuals for career guidance purposes. It is based on John Holland’s RIASEC model. It helps candidates choose and plan their career early in life. It measures levels of interest in 6 domains: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising and Conventional. There are 60 questions based on real-life scenarios and takes about 8-15 minutes. There is no time limit.