- Tommy's Mommy | the joys & challenges of being an autistic single mother

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Last night we Tommy had a minor emergency, as he was opening the closet door, he started screaming.  I thought he just bumped his toe, so I said you should have been more careful, then I looked down and saw blood, lots!  His toenail was lifted up and exposed.  I gave him some Tylenol,  and ice and let him lay down and watch cartoons.  He was feeling good, and then he would move his leg and accidentally bump it or I would accidentally touch it, it was a mess, in all aspects. Today my mom bought him new PJ ma

Today I went on Groupon and got a 3-month subscription to Daily, I was really excited since I told myself I was going to start working out again.  My splenectomy in March did put a damper on my working out, then once I was good to work out again, it was hard to get motivated. I love that there’s an assortment of workouts to do, from yoga and pilates to body weight workout.

My son is usually rather tricky to put to sleep, the night before last he picked out a documentary on the Galapagos islands, and within minutes, he was out, so now every night, I put the Gallopogos documentary on and leave the room and within 10-15 minutes he is out.