- Tony Troy

Description: Tony Troy - from Dublin, Ireland, now living in Los Angeles, California.

california (12540) los angeles (7381) usa (7101) ireland (4033) america (1888) dublin (1806) troy (455) tony (277) tony troy (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Tony Troy was born in 1971 in Dublin, Ireland to Kevin and Emily Troy. In 1998, he moved to Los Angeles, California, where he now resides with his wife, Jianhua.

Tony has worked in the computer industry since 1991. His interest in computers began in the early 1980's with video games on the Atari 2600. When he was 15, he was programming the Acorn Electron and Commodore 64 using the BASIC and Assembler languages. Later, while studying for a career in Physics, Tony learned BASIC, C and C++ on the PC.

In 1991, Tony changed paths from Physics to Computing and began working for Symantec Corporation. While there, he went to night school and, in 1998, he earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science. Later that year, he transferred to the Symantec office in Los Angeles, California.