- TooSlowException – Performance, architecture, Software Craftmanship…

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I’m a guy talking and showing a lot of stuff about .NET memory management. I’ve wrote a book about it, I’ve done webinars, conference talks, infographics, a lot. Add there is ALWAYS at least one question like “Ok, that’s nice, but why should I care about it. It’s all automatic, isn’t it?” . Answering the same question again and again is pretty tiresome. Hence, I’ve eventually decided to make a webinar just about that – why should I care? Why should YOU care? If you have more than hour to watch it, I strongl

First of all, I would rephrase the question – “Why should YOU care about learning and understanding tools you use…?” . Why should you care about async/await, database or ORM you use? In the end, what do you really need to know to program and earn money in a given technology?

Let’s pause this questions for a moment and let’s be clear about one thing – .NET GC (and automatic memory management in overall) is a convenient abstraction . As our dear Wikipedia says, an abstraction is “a simplification of something much more complicated that is going on under the covers” . And automatic memory management is a simplification of much more complex manual memory management – giving a promise you have an infinite amount of memory (you only allocate) and don’t care about freeing it. In IT we

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