- Totus Tuus - Totus2us

Description: Totus2us is giving voice to faith, hope and love from all around the world, especially among St John Paul II, Papa Benedict XVI & Pope Francis's 'dearest young people'. Dedicated to Our Lady, Totus2us wants to highlight what's good, true and beautiful, to help us to pray and be not afraid to follow Jesus Christ. There are voices from 122 countries so far here on Totus2us's 40 mp3 audio podcasts. All free, all with music & available on iTunes, most episodes are under 10 minutes and fall broadly into 3 areas:

catholic (2840) podcasts (1155) francis (181) pope (133) benedict (69) john paul ii (8)

Example domain paragraphs

Dedicated to Our Lady, Totus2us is giving voice to faith, hope and love from all around the world and focusing particularly on the teachings of Saints Paul VI & John Paul II , Papas Benedict XVI & Francis . In the last 10 years there have been voices from 128 countries on over 40 audio Totus2us podcasts . All free, all with music and on Spotify & iTunes (amongst others), most mp3 episodes fall broadly into three areas: prayer (faith / way), Catholic teaching (hope / truth) and witness (love / life). By dwel

Some of the feast days in this month: 1st December - Bl Charles de Foucauld    3rd December - St Francis Xavier    4th December - St Clement of Alexandria & St John Damascene    6th December - 2nd Sunday of Advent    7th December - St Ambrose of Milan    8th December - Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of Mary    9th December - St Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin    10th December - Our Lady of Loreto    12th December - Our Lady of Guadalupe    14th December - St John of the Cross    21st December - St Peter

"Advent — as a liturgical time of the ecclesial year — takes us back to the beginnings of Revelation. And precisely at the beginnings we encounter/meet immediately the fundamental link between these two realities: God and man. Taking in hand the first book of Sacred Scripture, that is, Genesis, we begin by reading the words: "Beresit bara!: In the beginning He created ... " There then follows the name of God, which in this biblical text sounds "Elohim". In the beginning He created, and the one who created i

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