- ToucanLearn: Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Learning for Preschool Children, Toddlers and Babies

Description: Fun learning preschool activities, baby learning games and toddler craft for children from birth to 5 years old. Access hundreds of activities aimed specifically at the capabilities of your babies, toddlers and preschool children. Every activity linked to the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) areas of learning and development. Each child receives a unique daily diary where you can log activity feedback, upload pictures and record progress, memories and milestones.

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ToucanLearn offers parents, childminders and nursery teachers ...

You can join ToucanLearn FREE and enjoy lots of fun preschool activities, follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), enjoy baby learning games and toddler craft, but for only £22.00 a year , you can get much, much more!

Fay, Bedfordshire: I think ToucanLearn is FAB! It has really helped with my work and my parents love reading what the children have been doing and can share with the child’s dad and siblings.