Touch Wood Infra Project Pvt. Ltd. with corporate identity number U45201OR2010PTC011553 was established on first day of February 2010. Since our inception, we set our mission to build the most trusted real estate company in the state of Odisha. We are continuously putting our best effort to deliver high quality homes at the most affordable price. We believe in managing better the operation to earn profit rather than withdrawing from our business commitment. We too trust in delivering more than our commitmen
To win trust of customers’ sky is the limit. Every day, we need to innovate, experience, share and walk the talk to achieve our mission. We are also confident that Touch Wood shall achieve the tag of the most performing real estate company in the state of Odisha. As the Father of the Nation quoted, we will live as if we were to die tomorrow. We will learn as if we were to live forever… more
Touchwood Infra Project Bhubaneswar, 2010