- Toyokuni Honda Sumi-e Artist Official

Description: 墨絵画家・本多豊国のホームページ。墨絵体験イベントも多数開催!楽しい・元気・気持ちいい!About Sumi-e and Woodblock Print Master Toyokuni Honda

絵本 (422) 日本画 (160) šg–{ (50) 墨絵 (15) –nšg (5) toyokuni honda (1) 本多豊國 (1) –{‘½–lš 

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Though he started his artistic journey working in oil paint, Toyokuni Honda had an epiphany as a young man when he saw the ancient, faded paintings in temples in Mongolia and the Gobi Desert. He realized that color is fleeting and temporary; line is everything. At that point he began his lifelong practice of the medium of sumi ink and pigment to explore Asian themes. Among his greatest achievements were the monumental Great Nirvana mural at Zenjo-ji Temple, in Kyoto, Japan, which measures 26x 147 feet, comp

Sumi-e live performance is an event that draws the sumi painting on large canvas improvised in front of a large number of people. Audience will be enthusiastic about sumi painting to go completed steadily and splashes vigorously. Energy of Sumi explodes with an exuberance, works come along rapidly gives full of energy and strong impression from children to adults. One that combines the fun of art and a variety of charm is the sumi painting live performance.

Sumi-e painting live performance has been done nearly 50 times in Japan and overseas already. Toyokuni has been drawing a lot of themes. They gave him a compliment and a big applause from the audience all. Theme Highest Rated is the dragon. The dragon has enthralled audiences everywhere.