- 开云官方网站-开云(中国)

Description: 开云,开云官方网站专注商用厨房设备15年。是一家专注学校、酒店、餐厅、企事业单位等商用厨房整体设计和商业厨房设备的研发、制造、安装和售后维修为一体的一站式服务工程公司。我们始终为客户提供科学的厨房设计方案、优质的厨房设备、合理的设备价格和完善的厨房售后服务,致力让我们用户朋友们畅享轻松高雅的厨具作业和高品质体验。

开云 (2337) 开云官方网站 (1751)

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Our dedicated team draws on their local experience to ensure that we provide the best service to owners & their vessels.

A Company most known for its reliability, delivers Life to its Customers and Logistics Partners with the FINEST Services Culture, Honesty, Values and Ethics.

Through our network of offices in the major ports of Ghana, we work with an extensive group of service providers catering for any routine or ad-hoc requirements.