- Perumbayil Ayurvedamana, Ayurvedic Massages, Ayurvedic Treatment Center

Description: Perumbayil Ayurvedamana is the authentic ayurveda centre in Kerala, Ayurveda mana provides for all types of ayurveda massages and ayuveda treatments.

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Ayurvedic pharmacology is based upon the concepts of Rasa, Guna, Veerya, Vipaka and Prabhava of the Dravya used to prepare the medicine. Ayurvedic Treatments differ from the majority of conventional cures in its unique approach towards healing. Rather than trying to cure a disease in isolation, Ayurveda takes into account an individual in his entirety.... Read More

Neurological Disorders,Bone - Joint & Spine Related Problems, Head Ache Related Problems, Muscular Diseases, Allergy Related Problems (Hypersensitivity),ENT Problems,Liver Disoders,Digestive Disorders,Urinary Disorders,Skin Disorders,Gynec Problems & Womens Heath,Infertitlity......