Description: The Dunedin (Otago) locals since 2003. Specialising in all TTM services (site setup, qualified staff, plan design). NZTA training and workwear, safety products.
local (11097) new zealand (6226) workwear (849) dunedin (298) tc (185) traffic management (146) 2003 (122) tmc (103) stms (6) stmsnz (4)
We are seasoned traffic management professionals with industry knowledge of 20 years! We know the game well when comes to TTM supply and services to support that your safety obligations are met in relation to traffic management and how your physical work impacts the roading network including road users and those risks connected or associated with TTM and the environment. Our services start with risk assessments (risk-based approach), design, and planning through to the implementation & maintenance of TTM
Check out our full range of products, from hi-vis jackets to heavy haulage signage — we have a range of gear that we know has been tried and tested in NZ conditions.
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