- TRAFFIQX - multichannel document and data exchange network

Description: Welcome to TRAFFIQX - the network for electronic exchange of business documents, national and international.

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Become a TRAFFIQX Provider Become a Roaming Partner Downloads Login Contact Home News About us Services DATEV Unternehmen online Provider GmbH Bundesdruckerei GmbH BeCloud srl DATEV eG Asterion Deutschland GmbH Quadient Germany GmbH & Co. KG SGH Service GmbH RICOH Deutschland GmbH Become a TRAFFIQX Provider Become a Roaming Partner Downloads Login Contact The e-invoice obligation for the the B2B sector is coming! Attend one of our web conferences and learn how you can send, receive and organise

Connect your processes with those of your business partners ... in order to reduce costs by automating the document exchange and to use the free time more efficiently.

In this way you consolidate the partnership and create added value by also reducing process costs for your business partner.