- TransAtlantis - by Tom K

Description: by Tom K

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This post is part of a series: Adalbert Arcane’s expanded Notes & Theories to  Beta Testing the Ongoing Apocalypse  by Tom Kaczynski (Fantagraphics, 2022). This time we have Arcane’s notes on the celebrated  Million Year Boom , a   short dark-ecology comic.  All posts in this series can be accessed here.

Million Year Boom , the best-known story by the author, found its way into the celebrated  Best Nonrequired Reading  anthology. It’s another Ballard-influenced story that excavates the primitive drives concealed within us under a thin veneer of civilization.

We demand a greener future. Global warming is irrevocably changing the planet. Humanity has become a geological agent, like asteroids, tectonic

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