- Trans Passions - 100% Free Dating for Transgender Singles

Description: Free Dating, Chat & Social Networking for Transgender Singles

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100% Free Dating for Transgender Singles

A 100% FREE RELATIONSHIP FOCUSED online dating & social networking site for the Transgender Community including MTF & FTM , transvestites (TV's) / cross-dressers (CD's) , drag queens , drag kings , female impersonators , male impersonators & everyone else who loves the 'Trans' community. Whether you are pre-op, post-op, going through the process, just enjoy dressing up, or you are a Trans admirer, this is the site for you. Take advantage of over 20 gender options & over 20 sexual orientation options, as wel

Aside from joining just because you share some things in common with other members, Trans Passions has been online as part of a large network of sites that was started in the early 2000's. Not only is the site not going anywhere, it is part of a network with millions of member profiles with a large number of members who have been part of the network for well over a decade. This site and the connected sites are constantly being updated with new designs and new features to make everything easier to use and to