- DEVAC NEXTGEN TRANSPORT (NGT) - The Future of Transportation and Mobility in Africa

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The DEVAC NEXTGEN TRANSPORT (NGT) Forum is the leading annual event for discussions on the future of Transportation and Mobility in Africa. This high-level business meeting platform gathers decision-makers from both the private and public sectors, international investors, African governments, key stakeholders, and various institutions to discuss the future of Africa’s Transportation spectrum while exploring innovative solutions and Smart Mobility evolution across the continent.

The DEVAC NGT Forum is a driving force in promoting Smart Transportation solutions, dedicated to unlocking their potential for the African market, and one of the central focuses of this exclusive gathering is the ongoing evolution of Smart Mobility solutions throughout Africa. Hence, in an era of rapid technological advancements and evolving consumer preferences and where innovation is reshaping Transportation, the DEVAC NGT Forum plays a key role in advancing these intelligent and forward-looking solutions

As Transportation and Mobility become increasingly integral to Africa’s development, this exclusive event provides an important space for collaboration, idea exchange, and strategic investment opportunities for a more sustainable and efficient future in the realm of Africa’s Transportation.

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