- Travelingserviceman's Blog | The life and times of TSM

Description: The life and times of TSM

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I had to make some dial indicator mounts for work to measure the flatness of a table in relation to a moving axis.  The machine has one indicator gage built in to it, but it is much easier to calibrate if you have indicators at multiple points.

Dial Indicator mounts

This was my first go at cutting aluminium this thick on the CNC machine.  It came out okay, but not great.  For one, the single flute endmill I was using apparently has a taper to it, so none of the edge are flat.  Not that big a deal, I trued up the critical edges using the manual mill and a big surfacing endmill.  I then went around dressing all of the other edges to be 90° and I think I ended up taking too much material off in the end.  Oh well, it’s an excuse to have another go at it.  In spite of not b