- Trayan Ivanov - web developer

Description: Trayan Ivanov - web developer - personal website.

html (18238) php (16478) javascript (14474) css (13681) web developer (4720) mysql (4444) git (877) trayan ivanov (1)

Example domain paragraphs

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head>     <title>Trayan Ivanov - web developer</title>     <meta name="Keywords" content="Web Development, PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, HTML, CSS" />     <meta name="Description" content="Web site of Trayan Ivanov - web developer" /> </head> <body>     <?php echo "Hello there!"; ?> </body>

My name is Trayan Ivanov and this is my personal web site. I am web developer currently located in Sofia, Bulgaria working for Clippings - The all-in-one platform to deliver interior design projects. I have skills in web development, PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Git and some others. I am from small town called Marten, Bulgaria. Hiking, exploring Bulgaria and photography are some of my interests consolidated in Backpack Nerd .

You can ping me at my email . My Twitter account. My LinkedIn account.

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