- Home, Treargel Retreat, Cornwall, Christian, Looe,

Description: Treargel means 'home of retreat' in Cornish. Set in stunning but peaceful Cornwall UK, we provide eco-friendly and self-catered accommodation for people wanting to breathe deeply, rest quietly and think more clearly. 

meditation (7101) cornwall (1902) retreat (1558) retreats (899) labyrinth (149) spiritual retreat (51) spiritual accompaniment (7) treargel (1)

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0 Breathe Deeply, Rest Quietly and Think Clearly Life is often busy with work and responsibilities, we can find our bodies getting depleted, minds muddled and spirits worn down. We all need times of rest in order to recharge, get away and take time to breathe deeply.  Here at Treargel you can do just this. Finding  rest , peace and space to think in beautiful surroundings. Treargel means 'home of re treat' in Cornish.

With wonderful sea views, we have a range of unique individual spaces