- Childhood Asthma Control: Treat, Control, Breathe.

Description: Childhood asthma isn’t a different disease from asthma in adults, but children face unique challenges that can interfere with their development in daily activities such as playing sports, going to school and sleeping. Learn more about controlling child asthma today.

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Childhood asthma isn’t a different disease from asthma in adults, but children face unique challenges that can interfere with their development in daily activities such as playing sports, going to school and sleeping. Although it’s a chronic condition, the right and continuous treatment is the key to keep asthma under control so children can feel better and live a healthy and active life. Take the control in childhood asthma. Ask your doctor for advice.

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Asthma is a common chronic (long term) inflammatory illness of the lungs and airways. It causes respiratory symptoms, limitation of activity, and attacks that sometimes require urgent health care and may be fatal. During an asthma attack the airways get more irritated than normal, swell up, fill with mucus and get smaller in reaction to certain triggers.