- Bewässerungssack | Günstige Baum Bewässerungsbeutel kaufen

Description: TreeBuddy Bewässerungssack für Bäume: Nachhaltig und effizient dank Tröpfchenbewässerung. Verschiedene Farben und Größen.

baum (378) bewässern (8) treebuddy (3) baumbewässerungssack (3) baumbewässerungsbeutel (3)

Example domain paragraphs

Climate change will make summers longer and hotter. As a result, natural rainfall is not sufficient to supply our trees with water and nutrients.

Conventional irrigation of existing trees and new plantations is costly and often ineffective. In most cases, approximately 25 percent of the water can actually be absorbed by our trees. The water evaporates or runs unused into the sewage system. The rest only penetrates the soil superficially, so our trees remain thirsty.

Trees need a lot of water, which seeps slowly and deeply into the soil.