- Travel logTrekAmerica's Westerner 3                                                                                          In

Description: In 2002 seven people (plus a trek leader) lived for 3 weeks in Sweaty Betty while sightseeing the south west of the USA. TrekAmerica calls this experience WESTERNER 3. We call it the trip of a lifetime. We are eager to share our story and our (600+) pictures with you.

san diego (3462) las vegas (2597) south west (607) grand canyon (174) moab (112) monument valley (26) travel group (11) westerner (2) trekamerica (1) lake powel (1)

Example domain paragraphs

In 2002 seven people (plus a trek leader) lived for 3 weeks in Sweaty Betty while sightseeing the south west of the USA. TrekAmerica calls this experience WESTERNER 3. We call it the trip of a lifetime. We are eager to share our story and our (600+) pictures with you. You can click on every picture for a bigger version. Please feel free to leave your comments in our guestbook . In 2002 hebben zeven mensen (plus een leider) 3 weken in Sweaty Betty gebivakkeerd terwijl zij de hoogte punten van zuid-west Ameri

In may 2011 I revamped this website (it was already 9 years old).