- Trewithen Cornwall – House, Gardens and Estate | Trewithen

Description: Trewithen is a historic estate at the heart of Cornwall, featuring a Georgian manor house, remarkable gardens, organic parkland, and ongoing restoration.

home (83103) house (12807) gardens (1037) acres (354) early (331) owned (297) georgian (107) subtropical (37) privately (8) trewithen (2)

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Trewithen means ‘house of the trees’ and the name truly describes this early Georgian house in its wood and parkland setting.

The 30 acre garden is an International Camellia Society Garden of Excellence (1 of only 5 in the UK) and is also renowned for its rhododendrons, magnolias and Champion Trees.

A beautiful place to visit in Cornwall, there is something to discover at every turn of Trewithen’s level gravelled pathways.