- Trinits Technologies

Description: Generates stock alerts with defined target prices for NSE stocks based on algorthim.

stock alerts (27) paper trading (16) virtual trading (6) back testing (6) portfoli management (1)

Example domain paragraphs

const subject = new Subject();; subject.subscribe(x => console.log(x)); //no output BehaviorSubject example const subject = new BehaviorSubject(0);; subject.subscribe(x => console.log(x));//console op: 1 1 What is difference between constructor and onInit? Constructor ngOnInit Constructor is part of ES6 and typescript is using es6 syntax. Constructor is a default method runs when component object is created. ngOnInit is component's life cycle method which runs first after con

AngularJS is a javascript-based open-source front-end framework that is largely used to create single-page applications on the web.

Angular is a typescript based open-source web application framework designed by Google for creating mobile and desktop web applications.