- Tripalot (Trav's Webs)

Description: Sites hosted by Travis Emmitt, focusing mostly on music, travel, and games.

music (52203) games (13390) trex (104) roguelike (85) anchovies (17) ipecac (6) travis emmitt (2) tripecac (2) tripalot (1) jessica emmitt (1)

Example domain paragraphs

This is the home of several hobby and personal sites, all managed by Travis Emmitt . They range from large to small, interactive to static, current to dated, autobiographical to having nothing to do with me. My goal is to provide unique and/or useful information, tools, and entertainment. If you see any bugs or have any requests, please contact me .

As with many of my titles, there are multiple meanings:

These pages are all maintained by Travis Emmitt . The blog uses Wordpress, the forums use phpBB, but everything else is hand-coded.

Links to (1)