- Timothy Musson

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I was born in Blenheim, New Zealand , in March 1970. Now I live in Christchurch , an earthquake-prone ruin about half way down the east coast of New Zealand's South Island. Until recently I studied Russian at the University of Canterbury. (Мне было бы очень приятно переписываться с кем-нибудь. Конечно, я готов помогать с английским! Я не пользуюсь Skype, но можем попробовать Google Hangouts или электронную почту. Пишите, пожалуйста! )

I've started putting together a list of facts and figures explaining why it's so important to support groups like Extinction Rebellion .

Favourite things: Sticks, twigs, hedgehogs, snails, dirt, tramping/hiking, Isaac Asimov's stories and novels, Philip K. Dick's as well, GNU , bike riding [1] , coffee, Wikipedia , my camera , and — although it only happens occasionally these days — drawing . (I'd include potatoes, but the local supermarket hasn't sold a decent one in 15 years and I'm becoming bitter.)

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