- trorer – hmmm

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It’s the last day of August – nearly a month since the last update! I’d like to say things have been moving at a furious pace but that’d be a lie. It’s been a busy month with travel, the Monterey car week (I met Cristian von Koenigsegg!), along with improved work on PassionList. I have a build date from Caterham for the chassis – early December. In the next few days I’m going to sign on a shop in Belmont – finding appropriate space was more difficult and time consuming than I had anticipated.

I’ve also been doing quite a bit of research on batteries and motors and decided that I’ll be going with Li-ion battery packs and an AC motor. My reasoning follows…

In looking at EV applications, we’re basically dealing with three different battery types – lead acid, Nickel-based, and Lithium-based.