- Truth Explorers: Paranormal And Supernatural

Description: Investigation of and links to the paranormal, supernatural, and alien

psychic (1741) astrology (1562) paranormal (1098) supernatural (350) roswell (341) alien (339) conspiracy (230) kennedy (193) cayce (54) nostradamus (38)

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The goal of this site and its creators is to find answers, provide alternate opinions, and personally investigate and report on as much "wierd" stuff as possible. We want first-hand experience. We want to evaluate and report our personal experiences, as well as the personal experiences of others, in matters dealing with the Paranormal, Supernatural, Unexplained and just plain Odd. Are there really people who can see the future or move things with their minds? I've never known one. Have any human beings actu

The claim is that thousands of people are abducted by aliens each year. This section of TruthExplorers provides some background on the alien abduction phenomena and links to useful websites related to abductions. The authors of this website, as yet, have never met a person who claims to have been abducted. We would, however, very much like to! Please see our Investigations page if your interested, or send us an email .

Since the dawn of recorded history man has had his head in the clouds. We've long looked to the sky for mystical answers that seem to elude the earth-bound. My mother studied astrology, created astrological charts, and delved into other "divining" arts when I was young. Our section on Astrology provides information, useful links, and seeks to assertain the true viability of astrology as a "divining" method. I-Ching, Tarot, and Numerology are also addressed in this section.