tsdeet.com - DEET: Unlocking Opportunities, Empowering Futures

Description: Explore job opportunities & skill development with DEET, your gateway to a brighter future

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Just 3 Steps to your dream job.

--> Build the Career of your Dreams DEET - Digital Employment Exchange of Telangana brings jobs at your fingertips. Introducing the first-ever digitized employment exchange by the Government of Telangana. DEET’s AI-based job search engine ensures relevant jobs that are tailored to suit you. All you have to do is swipe right to apply for your dream job.

You are only one swipe away from turning your career around. DEET works on a simple concept of swiping left and right. Swipe right to a job that you are interested in and left otherwise. A match is made when the employer likes your profile too.

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