tsigs-ories.github.io - Xinwei Shen (沈欣炜)

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Ph.D., Assistant Prof. & Principle Investigator Senior Member, IEEE Institute for Ocean Engineering (IOE) / Tsinghua-Berkeley Shenzhen Institute (TBSI) Tsinghua Shenzhen International Graduate School (SIGS) Tsinghua University [ Google Scholar ] [ Official ] [ 中文官网 ]

Students, Research Assitant & Postdoc (招生与博士后) I am always looking for outstanding young talents to join my research group.

Currently I've been actively (co-) advising graduate students with Professors at IOE / TBSI, SIGS. Please check out the graduates’ program for master (SIGS) (2024 fall) and Ph.D (2024 fall).

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