tsmckee.com - TSM

Description: Tyler McKee's creative work and semi-related writing

art (57031) blog (30297) technology (17102) painting (14224) lifestyle (7087) catholic (2831) philosophy (1759) woodworking (1232)

Example domain paragraphs

My name is Tyler McKee and this is my website. The blog is mostly painting at the moment but don't be surprised if that changes. I went to school for woodworking so that may make its way in. If you like what you see, the best way to keep up is via RSS . Blog RSS Sketchbook only RSS Feel free to drop me a line at: tyler BEGONE BOTS @tsmckee.com

So there’s this crazy historical drafting technique called “L’art du Trait” (the art of the line in French). I’ve been trying to figure it out on my own using some old engineering textbooks on descriptive geometry (also known as stereotomy). The techniques use the properties of right triangles to find orthographic projections of oblique angles. That sounds like super complicated nerd stuff but it’s actually really cool and “hands on”. When it works out it feels like you solved the secrets of the universe.

An appeal to heaven

Links to tsmckee.com (2)