tsyjo.com - Tommy Smith Youth Jazz Orchestra - Scottish National Jazz Orchestra

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Tommy Smith Youth Jazz Orchestra Talent, skill, exuberance, verve - the Tommy Smith Youth Jazz Orchestra showcases each of these traits in every performance. Featuring the high flyers from a tremendous wave of young Scottish jazz players Membership Opportunities Objectives Audition The Tommy Smith Youth Jazz Orchestra ( TSYJO ) provides access for talented young jazz musicians to develop and perform on a regular basis in an exceptional youth jazz orchestra. TSYJO attracts some of the best young jazz musicia

The Tommy Smith Youth Jazz Orchestra continues celebrating its 20th anniversary in 2023 with stunning concerts that bring alive the energy of jazz and pays tribute to some legendary names.

The Tommy Smith Youth Jazz Orchestra is delighted to start their 20th anniversary year with two stunning concerts that bring alive the energy of jazz and pay tribute to some legendary names.

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